Rabu, 05 September 2012

Writing Quality Online Content On Educational Topics

With the future of education in limbo and everyone drawing lines in the sand and picking sides, it seems there is enough chaos and controversy to fill up a 1000 newspapers with articles about how we ought to be running our education system. Whereas, we as Americans all seem to agree on the importance of education, it appears to be the getting everyone on the same pages as to how to get there which may never be agreed upon, in fact, I bet you'd agree to all this so far right? Good, so let's talk.
Think about all the sub-topics available for education article writing, you can write about getting admitted to the college of your choice, choosing which college to attend, and the need for stronger education in subjects of math and science. You can also talk about controversial topics such as the political correctness, socialism slant, and left-leaning professors indoctrinating students in college. And if you do like contentious issues, education is full of them, here are some more things that I've written on and you can too:
School Sports
For-Profit Colleges
College Tuition Costs
Student Loan Problems
Special Education Needs
English As a Second Language
Rote Memorization and Creativity
Standardized Testing and the NCLB Law
Teachers Unions, Pay, Legacy Costs, Tenure
Textbooks Versus Digital E-Textbook in the Future
Indeed, I would urge all online article writers as the 2012-2013 school season begins to put forth your very best articles on these topics and topics of a similar vein. Education is on everyone's mind, and not just because it is an election year, because it very much has to do with the future of our nation. We are only as good as our schools were 20 years the prior. If we mess up our education, we will have hell to pay, and we will find ourselves nothing more than a footnote in the annals of history of great nations which once were.
Keeping the topic of education at the top of our list in our society guarantees that we will continue to put energy in the right spot and as our civilization becomes more technologically advanced we need well-trained, well-schooled, and highly educated people to run it. Just because in the future the robots may be doing all the work, or our education system may be completely be online that doesn't mean we don't need educated folks to make it work. We definitely will.
It is my hope that you will please consider all this and think on it, and put in your two cents when it comes to education, let's hear about your ideas, innovations, and new concepts to take this great nation forward.

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