Selasa, 04 September 2012

Book Reviews: Educational Science Article Category

Mission Possible: How the Secrets of the Success Academies Can Work in Any School ~ Book Review
Teaching is a calling, it is not just a vocation. To excel and be a quality educator one must have a true love for teaching.
A New Beginning: A Training Book on Home Based Care for Children With HIV/AIDS by Dr P Manorama MD
This first article on HIV/AIDS written by the undersigned author is dedicated to Dr P.Manorama Pinakapani MBBS., M.D., DCH. DM (Gastro) who was the guide to the author in his PhD (A.M). She is a living legend and is a pioneer in HIV/AIDS research and intervention. For the first article, her book 'A New Beginning' which is intended to guide those who undertake community and home based care for children affected by HIV/AIDS has been chosen as a tribute to her great work. The following is a brief account of her life and contribution in this field, She is a medical doctor for the past 40 years and project director of the N.G.O, 'Community Health Education Service' (C H E S). She is an expert in HIV/AIDS field and a specialist in Juvenile Justice and Chairperson of Child Welfare committee with power of I class Judicial Magistrate. Her important contributions in social work include Social acceptance of transgenders, behaviour change in female sex workers in addition to adopting children affected by HIV/AIDS. The author is glad to present a brief review of the book written by this great social worker.
Reconsidering the Past and Future of Planet Earth
This brief textbook offers an easy to understand, comprehensive overview of the most important topics related to earth science today. From astronomy to geology, it covers everything you might need to know for real world application. It features up-to-date information on important topics that everyone should understand. Its primary goal is to help students to increase their knowledge, but it's also perfect for those who have no experience in this area. It's a great place to start learning about how nature works! Key words earthquake, volcano, rocks, astronomy and Space, moon, sun, plate tectonics, erosion, water, weather...
Review of "Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort"
In order to get better grades you must work smarter, not harder. Dr. Marc Dussault provides six methods to absorb information quicker and easier.
The Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Book by Professor David Bohm and Master Intelligent Plan
Professor David Joseph Bohm, FRS (20 December 1917 - 27 October 1992) was an American quantum physicist who became a British citizen later. He contributed to theoretical physics, philosophy of mind, and neuron psychology.. Bohm is widely considered to be one of the most significant theoretical physicists of the 20th century. He and J. Krishnamurti met in the early 1960s, and established a relationship that lasted until Krishnamurti's death. They examined their common concerns in a number of discussions. 'The wholeness and the implicate order', was a book written by Bohm (published by ARK paper backs, London). In this book, he primarily argues that we are guided by a self willed view and perceive the world as fragmented. Such a view is wrong because it is based on our mistaking the contents of our thought for a description of the world. Prof Bohm introduces the concept of a wholeness and the notion of an implicate order in which any element contains enfolded within itself the above Wholeness (the totality of the Universe). The author, in this article tries to analyse briefly the nature of the wholeness and the implicate order along with the Master Intelligent Plan propounded by Holistic Philosophy.
Exposing Your Children To Educational Books
One cannot undermine the importance of reading in a child's education. That's why educational books are important as they help increase a child's vocabulary and awaken his interest to learn more.
The Joys Of Selecting Classic Children's Books For Your Kids
Parents take a lot of pleasure and delight when selecting children's books for their kids especially if they are classic books. Parents are like walking down memory lane as they go through piles of books and remember their own childhood when they also look forward to reading their own books.
Review - A Practical Guide to Assessing English Language Learners (Keith Folse)
Keith Folse's A Practical Guide to Assessing English Language Learners is an aptly-named resource for teachers who seek to become more comfortable assessing the English-language skills of students for whom English is a second or other language. Every activity and test is presented in such a way that it can easily be implemented in the classroom; the theory presented is a supplement to, rather than a replacement of, practical instruction.
Evidence For a Worldwide Flood
Scientists seek to explain all natural phenomena in terms of familiar forces. They say the present is the key to the past. But the natural forces that caused the ice age are nowhere in evidence today. Such cooling could only be caused by natural forces on a scale we have never seen in historical times. And that makes sense because the flood was a unique outpouring of God's wrath that He promised never to repeat.
Avail Important Information on Architecture and Construction Via Ebooks
Architecture is the art and science of designing a structure, a process that combines planning, designing and constructing a building. A well designed building is often seen as a symbol of culture and a work of art. People who want to know more about architecture can refer to numerous architecture ebooks available on the Internet.
Understanding the Concept of Architecture Criticism Through Ebooks
The act of speaking or writing about any building after due analysis is popularly known as architecture criticism. Most commonly, buildings that are historically important, have revolutionary designs or are constructed at a famous public site are subject of architecture critique.
Tips on Using Educational Aquariums In The Classroom
How an Aquarium Will Make Kids Smarter - First a teaching aquarium in the classroom energizes learning, it prods learners to get involved because the tank is not an inanimate object it is a living, breathing organism, full of fellow creatures who just by their very existence teach learners about life in an ecosystem covered by water. It is easy to engage a human being in caring about the welfare of their fellow creatures, their life cycles, what they eat, how they protect themselves and even how they pass away.
The Princeton Field Guide To Dinosaurs - An Excellent Reference Book
We had known about the launch of this book for sometime, after all, it came out last year and I recall reading the review out of Prehistoric Times magazine to colleagues at one of our Friday afternoon meetings, but nobody took the hint and purchased it. However, after having contacted the author on a technical issue concerning the anatomy of Spinosaurids I decided that enough was enough and I have bought it, using the excuse of an "early Christmas present to myself".
International Student Accommodation: Start Your Search Early
Demand for quality international education directly translates in increased demand for international accommodation for students. Since more and more students are enrolling themselves in international level institutions and world schools, they often have to go out of their home country or city to study. Though you may secure your admission into your favorite program and institute, it is not guaranteed that you will be provided student housing facility by your institute or university.
An Insight Into Chemical, Electronics and Civil Engineering
Chemical engineering books provide a rare insight into this form of engineering. Electronics engineering is another popular and lucrative profession. Civil engineering involves different skill sets, and only a few are adept at it.
Full-Text Journal Library Browse millions of journal articles from top academic publications.
Master Program Get a master's degree from the university St.Gallen - Switzerland
21st Century Education Learn how communities use online virtual learning
Computer Science Journal Publish Your Research Article In International Journal:IOSR JOURNALS
Interested to Take Online CNA Training Course?
Online CNA Training Course has become one of the popular choices of aspiring nurse assistants considering the only prerequisite to be one is a high school diploma or basic GED. Offering basic education in nursing, it provides the most important skills and knowledge in a more convenient and easy to access way, answering the growing need for this field.
A Book Review: The Ultimate Stranger The Autistic Child
In the 1930s and 1940s Dr. Temple Fay gathered some younger professionals to form the Institute for the Achievement of Human Potentials in Philadelphia: Dr. Robert Doman (physiatrist) and Glenn Doman (physical therapist) as well as Dr. Carl Delacato (educator). Early on Delacato spent much of his time researching and working with children who had reading and speech difficulties resulting in a number of books. At some point he was asked to turn his work over to others and to move on to another challenge. He began to explore the autistic child and his needs.
Solar Energy for Mother Earth
Solar energy from the sun's heat radiation is just one of the many renewable energy sources that are the subject of current global technological research and development. The harmful effects of the use of petroleum-based fuel to power vehicles and electric generation and distribution plants have prompted governments to take on a more serious look at their energy policies. Aside from solar energy, other renewable energy sources that can be used in lieu of fossil fuel are secondary solar-powered resources such as biomass, hydroelectricity, wave and wind power.
National Science Foundation Offers The Geoinformatics Solicitation Grant
Geoinformatics is the science and technology of developing and using information service sciences in addressing the issues linked to geography, geosciences as well as other branches associated to engineering. The Division of Earth Sciences, under the supervision of the National Science Foundation, is among the actual departments that deal with the promotion and enhancement of the country's Geoinformatics-related programs. The Division of Earth Sciences(EAR) has constituted means to promote the creation of cyberinfrastructure building activities aimed to eventually enable transformative advances in geosciences research and education.
Popular Biotechnology Books
Are you following the modern trends in the age- old subjects like biology? Modern trends mean applying engineering, technology, genetics and medicine in the study of biology. The whole trend is called bio- technology, giving birth to bio- products or commercial products that are of specific use like manufacturing purposes.
Review of Intro to EM Book by Griffiths
Introduction to Electrodynamics is a great course in electromagnetism written by great David J. Griffiths. He writes about electromagnetism in a concise, easy style, and, as a rule, tries to create a physical picture of the ideas explored before delving into the underlying mathematics used to describe them.
New Book Reveals How Understanding Memory Processes Leads to Academic Success
Kurt Eby provides a creative way to use the memory so readers can remember information from long lists, historical dates and periodical charts for tests. He teaches readers how to overcome years of mislearning to learn the tricks to memorization in a fun way that will help them get A's without (almost) trying.
Just Started Our First Lap Book!
Are you a homeschooler wondering what a lap book is? We just started our first one and here's what we think!
What is Life? A Critical Analysis on book of Erwin Schrodinger and Its Philosophical Significance
From time immemorial, the study of Science and Philosophy are going together, each supporting the other. Great Scientists are great Philosophers and vice versa. Newton's Theory of Gravity and Einstein's Theory of relativity opened new vistas of knowledge not only in Physics but also in Philosophy. Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961) was one such Philosopher-Scientist who was deeply interested in Philosophy in addition to Physics. The Schrodinger's equation in wave mechanics is a landmark in Physics and earned him the Nobel Prize. In consultation with Albert Einstein, he propounded the Schrodinger cat paradox. He was equally interested in Hindu Philosophy and the secrets of Veda attracted him with equal vigour. His book "What is life and other articles" published in 1944 based on his talk in 1943 is a well documented book on various secrets of life. In this article, we are considering two major aspects of the book: one about aperiodic crystals, which is the forerunner for DNA theory, and the other about Negative entropy, as agency to bring ORDER to life. Medication and co-meditation are discussed as supplier of Negative entropy. Also the philosophical aspects of life are discussed from the teachings of J.Krishnamurti, Bhagavat Gita and Holistic Philosophy.
High School Classroom Management Strategies That Work
A classroom that behaves, listens and learns is one of the ultimate goals of every educator concerned with rendering effective service on the job. In reality, effective strategy for building classroom discipline is the Holy Grail that many tired and stressed out educators need to rejuvenate their teaching career.
Books For Teachers: Brian Clegg's Getting Science
Getting Science by Brian Clegg targets an audience of elementary school teachers who feel less than confident about teaching science in their classrooms. It's a good book, and after reading this it, I hope many primary school teachers do read it.
Tips to Pass CBEST Test: Score High In Math!
You should know by now that the California Basic Educational Skill Test or the CBEST test requires you to pass three subjects: Math, Reading, and Writing. By saying that, you must've remembered your battles with Math in high school. Lucky for math-lovers, this part of the test would surely be a bonus for you.
The Value of a Good Business Math Textbook
A student taking their first course in business mathematics might wonder how necessary a textbook for such a course may be. After all, don't most students already know basic mathematics by the time they reach college or business school?
The Top Reasons For Choosing Online Degrees Versus Traditional Degrees
If you find yourself hemming and hawing over whether you should attend a brick and mortar university or take the plunge and enroll into an online school, knowing the reasons why almost six million students registered for online classes in 2010 could help you with your decision. Whether you are single or married, have children or a full time job, your current responsibilities and favorite hobbies do not need to be shelved in order for you to seek higher education. The following reasons for choosing online degrees highlight the main benefits of earning educational measures through the use of an internet connection and personal computer.
The Different Types Of Citibank Student Loans
Financing higher education may seem like a nightmare for some. However, for those looking into student loans, there are several types offered by Citibank that may meet your needs. Depending upon the state that you live in and the type of degree you are seeking, you could find Citibank student loans that meet your exact specification to further your education. By researching what is available and meeting with a representative of Citibank, you can decide on a student loan to help make your education goals become a reality

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